Wednesday, December 30, 2009

More pics and paint help please.

So I should be cleaning the floors so they're ready for the furniture that will be coming soon, but since I'm currently kid free and a bit giddy...I thought I'd blog instead...lucky you!

Here is our first morning...

first morning

first morning

first morning

I know this is a waste of paper...but it was either he play with paper towels or screws. Sometimes a mom must just pick her battles.

first morning

first morning

And here is Lita, coming to save the kids from the big empty house so I can get some work done...or blogging.

first morning

*I swear Mommy, this only took a few minutes and then I went right back to work!!!*
Yes, I still call my mom "Mommy" and I'm darn proud, thankyouverymuch.

Now for the help. We have the kitchen and a bathroom left to paint. We are at the bottom of our move in budget so would like to try and get one color/gallon of paint for both. I think. Maybe.

Here is the kitchen, please excuse the mess...

what color for the kitchen?

what color for the kitchen?

what color for the kitchen?

As you can see, it won't need much. Just a bit of color on top and around the cabinets & window. I was thinking a yellow, but I'm not loving that little paint card I got there in the last shot. We've already used blue in the other bathrooms, a mellow green in one bedroom, burnt orange & chocolate brown in the master and this crazy green in another bedroom...

the crazy green closet

So all I can think of is some kind of yellow...but what kind? Would a yellow work in a bathroom too? If not, what other color? Or any other color ideas? Help me!!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

first night

Here we are...finally! The first night at our new place...

first night

first night

Friday, December 18, 2009

The reason I went back to work...

The New House

We closed on Tuesday and we have lots of work to do this next week, but hopefully we'll be able to move in the week after Christmas and before I have to come back to work.

This isn't the best picture, but I will have plenty more coming so you all can see our progress on fixing things up. We of course want it to be super kid friendly but at the same time want it to look open, modern and keep it looking like adults actually live here. All while on a very tight things will come together slowly which is totally fine with me!

There are so many things I am looking forward to...some obviously more luxurious than others...

  • more than 6 drawers to store all of my kid's clothes
  • closets, we don't have a single closet for the kids right now...we will soon have one for each!
  • an area to put an actual dining table so we can actually sit and actually one adult sized chairs
  • more than three kitchen cabinets
  • kitchen counters!
  • room to put beds for the kids
  • bathrooms!
  • a garage to store all of our crap and our cars
  • a yard for a garden
  • a yard for Bella
  • a yard for the kids
  • a pool!
  • a porch
  • trees
  • a master bedroom big enough for a king sized bed
  • no more helicopters
  • no more witnessing crimes when looking out my back door
  • no more tagging on my retaining walls
  • being near our parents
  • no more traffic jams between just two adults in the kitchen, bathroom, living room etc.
  • a family room
  • more that 760 sq ft for a family of four and a 100lb dog
  • a drive way
  • no more playing musical cars on street sweeping days
  • no more street sweeping parking tickets
  • most importantly, a home, a home where we can live and grow and enjoy...

This is why I can't stop smiling lately, even while at work...I seriously can't wipe this silly grin off my face.

More pictures coming soon!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Two weeks (and a handful of days)

Two weeks...that was going to be the title of my post when I planned to write this post like 4 days ago. It had been two weeks since my last update. Not only was it my last update, it was also the last time I took pictures of my children! Shame on me...slap my wrists...I'm a bad blogger.

So here are the pictures I meant to show you all from this weekend.

Joaquin & Isela

Joaquin & Isela

Seriously. The cuteness. I can't get over it.

Just so you know, I'm writing this post as I pump at work and these pictures are my inpsiration to get the milk flowin'. That first one is my computer desktop wall paper.

In the past almost 3 weeks now, their love for each other has become so much more obvioius. Yeah, we're still prying Joaquin off of Isela when is expression of love gets a little too spazzy, but for the most part we're letting them hug and cuddle a lot more. They seem to both need it and love it. Isela is head over heels for her big brother. You can already tell that she looks up to him like no other. It's freaking awesome to see them love each other so much.

Dan is taking care of them right now and rocking it. Yesterday, my friend Sara told me how her son, Rowan was playing "Dan and Isela" the other night. He was pretending to be Dan and feeding his baby doll from a bottle because he saw Dan feeding Isela at swim class the other day. How aweseome is that? Goes to show that Daddies can be just as valuable at home with the kids as Mommies.

I know you are all wondering why I went back to work. Why this sudden change in our game plan. Well ladies and gents, I know the suspence is killing you and I would tell you now...but I don't have a picture on this work computer so I can't do the annoucement justice.

My pumping time is just about over so back to work I go...I'll be back soon with the new good news...I promise. Like tomorrow. I hope.
