Saturday, June 20, 2009

Making progress.

I had three big transitions that I wanted to help Joaquin through before we had the baby. But after much thought and consideration I decided to focus on just two, weaning and potty learning...I felt like the third, moving him to his bed, along with a number of other factors, was just too much all at once. I'm probably even pushing it with just these two, but so far so good. We've made a lot of progress lately!

We have been completely weaned since Joaquin's little spill back in April. Yep, that was the last time he nursed! He's asked for it here and there, but I've always found a way to distract him or help him through the moment in other ways. I recently bought a couple of "new baby" board books, and one of them shows the new baby nursing...that kind of threw him for a loop, but we got past it. I hope he can get past it once it's the actual baby nursing! I'm also hoping that a good 3-4 months of not nursing before the arrival of the baby is long enough for him to not feel like the baby is taking something away from him.

We also have a nearly full time non-diaper wearer! For a while now, Joaquin has been totally able to go to the potty when he's hanging out naked, but as soon as he put on undies he would get confused and go in them. We've been working on it on weekends here and there, but nothing too consistent and I think it was just confusing him. So, since Wednesday, we have gone cold turkey. He has only been in undies, except for at night and he is totally rockin' it! Of course we have had some accidents here and there, but I think they're needed for him to feel the difference.

We had a big break-through yesterday, waking up in the morning was always a battle to take off that morning diaper. He loved to hold onto it and pee and pee as much as he could. I knew we were making progress when yesterday morning he woke up and tried to pull off his diaper while wiggling that have to pee kind of wiggle. This morning he did the same and his diaper was totally dry! He's been napping here and there with no diaper, but now he can totally make it through, no problem. We've gone out and about with our little potty in hand and he's using it as needed and holding it, for the most part, as needed as well. I'm still putting him in a diaper at night, while I think he could probably make it though, I'm just not brave enough and really don't want to wake up to a puddle of pee!

I know we will still have accidents, but I'm so excited for the progress that has been made these past few days. I'm so super proud of him and he is so proud of himself, it's so super cute to watch him when he knows he's doing well...that huge smile is just priceless!


Unknown said...

Congratulations! He's doing so great.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! He's doing so great.