Sunday, June 15, 2008

Two more days.

I have been completely and totally swamped this past week. I've had to bring work home and work for a couple of hours after Joaquin went to bed every night. So that meant no time for blogging, sorry 'bout that.

But here I am, finally finishing up my last IEP and only two more days left and then....FREEEDOM! Well, not totally, but pretty close.

Looks like I will have to work here and there over summer. I am taking a new position and will actually be teaching in my very own classroom again. This job I had was getting boring and if I had to work full time, I want it to be interesting. So I'll be teaching "Applied English" which means English for kids who are not earning a diploma, but a Letter of Recognition. It's hard to explain, but basically these kid's skills are too low to cut it in General Ed, so we teach them real life skills. We'll be doing things like filling out job applications, voting, figuring out public transportation etc while trying to bring up their skill level.

On top of that I also took on the challenge of Co-Chair for my department. My department is so Special Ed and in so not a good way so it should be interesting. I never knew how much people bitched and moaned until I became the person they are supposed to bitch and moan to. Seriously people, get a grip and deal!

The next two days should be pretty easy, just printing and filing paper work and moving to my new classroom!!

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