Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Since our camping trip I’ve been dog-tired and not the nicest of people to be around. So much so, that I snapped at my mom yesterday and said she was passive aggressive because she asked if I needed help putting dishes in the dishwasher. Yeah. Ouch. Sorry mommy! Thank goodness my in-laws called on Monday telling me they missed Joaquin terribly and reminded me that if I needed any alone time that they were available. So yesterday afternoon I called them and took them up on their offer. I dropped Joaquin off at about 10 this morning and spent the rest of the day by. my. self. It was awesome. I didn’t get much done; just did some blogging, colored my hair, picked up the kitchen and vacuumed, but I so needed it. When I picked him up at three, I was a new mama. This evening went so smoothly, and any little Joaquinism just rolled right off of me. Hopefully tomorrow will go just as well.

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